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¡PUERTO RICO PA’ SU GENTE! The Puerto Rico No Se Vende Coalition at Plaza las Américas Diciembre 2023
Nuestra Campaña
#NotYourTaxHaven is an organizing, policy directed and media campaign that seeks to educate our base and create points of pressure and discussion about Act 22 and its impacts. The campaign has a local strategy to expose the lack of government transparency, and denounce the economic and environmental impact and eliminate Act 22 (currently Act 60); as well as a federal strategy, which seeks to ensure adequate IRS oversight of Act 22 beneficiaries.
Act 22
The inequity produced by low taxes—available to those who have recently moved to Puerto Rico—coupled with a lack of accountability, are only increasing poverty and displacement. Displacement and rising housing costs are forcing more Puerto Ricans out of their homes. This has led the people of Puerto Rico, who were already bearing the burden of an ongoing economic crisis, to also have to sustain wealthy tax avoiders.
Puerto Rico No se Vende is a coalition of non-profit and community-based organizations directly affected by the results of the excessive granting of tax decrees that have resulted in increased housing costs and the displacement of families and communities.
Coalition Members
The PR No Se Vende Coalition currently includes more than a dozen community and nonprofit organizations, both in Puerto Rico and the diaspora:
- Popular Democracy & Popular Democracy in Action
- Construyamos Otro Acuerdo
- VAMOS Puerto Rico
- Mi Patria
- Proyecto Metamorfosis
- Revive PR Project
- Puerta de Tierra No se Vende
- Abolish Act 60
- Residentes de Puerta de Tierra
- Old San Juan Residents Association
- Escambrón Unido
- Condominium Owners Association
- Machuchal Revive Residents Association
- Puerta de Tierra se Defiende
- Diaspora in Resistencia
- Puerta de Tierra No se Vende
- Boricuas Unidos en la Diáspora PR
- Residentes de Puerta de Tierra
- Make the Road Family
- Churches United for Fair Housing
- New York Communities for Change
- Action NC
- Florida Rising
- Puerta de Tierra No se Vende
- Boricuas Unidos en la Diáspora PR
- Residentes de Puerta de Tierra